pacman, rainbows, and roller s

Romatic love message from girl to boy My Sweet Adaeze, If you wonder just how much I...
LET TEST U WITH THE BELOW POST A girl went to school and the teacher asked her...
AKPO AND HIS FRIENDS Akpors visited his friend Eazy. Eazy called his...
LOOKING SEXY AND DRESSED TO KILL The following conversation took place between a...
EZZA YAM FESTIVAL{Oke aku} ( 1 ) Ezza yam festival populally known as (oke aku)in...
BARBING AND IT EQUIPMENT IN SALON Barbing is an art work and barber is a men's hair...
READ THIS STORY AND JUDGE. My name is Chiamaka and here is my story. For 9...
A LESSON FROM BEANS THROWN AWAY It is a practice that only the best beans should...
POEM"Virginity our identity" Young girl you are PRETTY, But i have to warn you...

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